Thu 25 May 12:32 PM
General Admission
9 Mins
Bambou Kenneth / Electric Skies / VR / 9 min
The gruelling process that potential adoptive parents have to go through is given a personal touch by this warmhearted example of digital storytelling. Bambou Kenneth considers the flaws embedded into the adoption system in a non-judgmental manner and pushes us to take a more open-minded view of those who wish to serve as singe parents. This is one of those rare projects that speaks to several important discussions that are currently being had in the United Kingdom and it will likely have a notable impact on the discourse.
Awards/Festival: Venice Biennale, Raindance(Best Experience for Social Impact)
The gruelling process that potential adoptive parents have to go through is given a personal touch by this warmhearted example of digital storytelling. Bambou Kenneth considers the flaws embedded into the adoption system in a non-judgmental manner and pushes us to take a more open-minded view of those who wish to serve as singe parents. This is one of those rare projects that speaks to several important discussions that are currently being had in the United Kingdom and it will likely have a notable impact on the discourse.
Awards/Festival: Venice Biennale, Raindance(Best Experience for Social Impact)