Thu 25 May 12:32 PM
General Admission
19 Mins
Lena Thiele, Sebastian Baurmann / Germany / VR
19 min
Humans have always faced certain challenges when attempting to understand and empathise with animals. This has proven to be a real problem for animal rights activists who aim to protect endangered species from being wiped out by environmentally unfriendly practices. The MYRIAD project aims to solve this problem by presenting members of the general public with a poetic virtual reality experience that follows the migratory journeys of bald ibises, arctic foxes and green sea turtles. It's a passionate call to arms on behalf of the animal rights movement and it makes a strong emotional appeal in favour of environmentalism.
Awards/Festivals: CPH:DOX, Venice Biennale, Raindance
19 min
Humans have always faced certain challenges when attempting to understand and empathise with animals. This has proven to be a real problem for animal rights activists who aim to protect endangered species from being wiped out by environmentally unfriendly practices. The MYRIAD project aims to solve this problem by presenting members of the general public with a poetic virtual reality experience that follows the migratory journeys of bald ibises, arctic foxes and green sea turtles. It's a passionate call to arms on behalf of the animal rights movement and it makes a strong emotional appeal in favour of environmentalism.
Awards/Festivals: CPH:DOX, Venice Biennale, Raindance